Saturday, September 27, 2008

Arkansas today

116 miles and into the state of Alabama.
Yahoo, it was more of a rest day for me.  I hung back and kept the 5000 feet of climbing under control.  Not allowing my legs to burn or explode.  When you have 20 consecutive 100 mile days (uncharted territory for me) you really don't know what to expect from your legs.

From my bike, I expect alot.  And the S-works performed well today on the chip seal, while the aluminum bikes rattled the riders to death.

Lon is assisting our Australian buddy with his TREK.  

The red line is getting across the country, and starting to impress me, i.e. getting closer to the Atlantic, and making me smile.

The goal from here on out is to avoid complacency and accidents.  That is my prayer.

116 miles 15.5 mph, 5600 feet elevation.

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

That red line is very impressive....way to go guys.