Sunday, September 28, 2008

Arkansas River

Today, was a straight forward day.  Temps in the 80's humid, and sweaty.  We needed to make 126 miles as minimally painful as possible.  

Steve and I rode together the first part of the day, then Walt and I rode together the middle part, and then Paul and I the last third.  In both cases, we worked together to spare one another the pulling for the entire ride.  (Paul Wilcox is on the left, nearing the end of our ride.  Paul is a very good rider and a joy to talk with.)

Jerry hooked up with the "Hole in the tire gang"  to draft most of the day, very similar to what I did the day before.  They are a good group to ride with.  Steady pace, and they don't really push the pace.

Walt crossing the Alabama River just before lunch.  We call Walt the "energizer bunny"  because he is so steady and just keeps going and going, with no interruptions.  Walt and I pulled each other along.

One more day in Alabama, and on to Georgia.
126 miles, 18.2 mph for the day.

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

Wow, not much longer to ride...way to go Rick. Hang in there!