Friday, October 3, 2008

We Made it

From the beaches of the Pacific, to the beaches of the Atlantic, 2939 miles, 186 hours and 19 minutes of pedaling time, 188,454 calories, over 26 days (according to my Garmin bike unit).    We made it.  No bike crashes; no accidents: no dropouts, we all made it.  
My feelings were ones of relief, satisfaction, and disorientation, to be real honest with you. 

Relief to be done pedaling, because my body is tired.   Satisfaction in the accomplishment of a huge goal.  Disorientation related to feeling like I had just left the Pacific Ocean, and now we were at the Atlantic Ocean, and who knows what is going on with the economy of our country.

I will try to sum things up alittle more later, but most of all I want to thank those of you who have followed this effort, supported  and prayed for me.  Thank you so much!